I. Have your cleaning supplies ready
Gather the necessary materials for cleaning. If you don’t have a grill brush, you can use a suitable cleaning brush and don’t forget the paper towels or cleaning rags. Gloves are not necessary but they are good for your own safety.

II. Turn off the gas
Before you start cleaning, ensure that the gas supply is turned off completely to avoid leakages. Even better, disengage the gas tank from your BBQ grill.

III. Separate the grates
You need to disassemble the grates if you want to accomplish a thorough clean up.

IV. Start with the grill grates
Use a grill brush to scrub the grates. You can also use any other coarse brush.

V. Clean the burner covers
Dismantle anything that covers the burner from the ceramic briquettes, lava stones, and the V-shape heat tents. Brush them to perfection.

VI. Brush lightly the tubes
Don’t be too harsh on the burner tubes. Brush them lightly and clean the gas ports thoroughly.

VII. Clean the lid and the bottom
The grill’s bottom normally gets a lot of dirt and a peeling black stuff that forms due to the accumulation of grease and carbon flakes. Wipe off the debris and brush the black stuff which may also be formed on the rid. If the dirt is too stubborn, scrape it off with a putty knife.

VIII. Clean the dirt tray
A lot of grease collects on the dirt try. You need soapy water to clean it. Also, replace the disposable pans if necessary.

IX. Discard grime
You must dispose of the grease in a proper manner as opposed to tossing it down the drain. Throwing it in the drain can cause blockage of pipes. The best way to dump grilling dirt is by putting it first in an empty trash can and allowing it to harden. You can use a non-recyclable bottle instead of a trash can. Then discard the entire bottle away.

X. Wipe the exterior
Don’t forget to clean the outer parts of your grill. If there are any side tables, use soap and water to wash them too.

XI. Re-assemble
Now that your cleaning job is over, put back the parts together like they were before. Get ready to cook delicious meals on clean grates!